Lady Elsie would like to wish our wonderful supporters a happy and healthy New Year:
“Last year was exceptionally difficult for us all. One way or another, the COVID-19 health crisis has affected everyone and for cancer patients and their loved ones, it has created an awful, additional anxiety.
“We have all watched with admiration as NHS staff have risen to the challenges created by coronavirus, treating patients with care and compassion in the most trying of circumstances.
“And we’re very proud of the way our local cancer services in the Northern Centre for Cancer Care at the Freeman Hospital have responded and adapted to the current situation.
“It has been heart-warming to see the love and appreciation felt for our NHS and, above all, the last year has been a reminder of how much we value those around us, and how much can be achieved when we pull together.
“For most people, the disruption caused to our normal lives has been somewhere between inconvenient and unbearable for many months now. It has certainly been a challenging for our Foundation.
“I know, for many of our wonderful fundraisers, the decision to postpone or cancel events or activities has been very difficult. In some cases, it’s been possible for fundraising to take place within the COVID-19 guidelines and we admire the commitment and ingenuity needed to do that.
“And, incredibly given how hard things are just now, our Foundation passed the £15m fundraising milestone during 2020. Bob would be truly amazed by that and hearing the news gave my family and I a much-needed boost. I hope it gives you a lift, too.
“As always, we’re hugely grateful to all our supporters and look forward to when we can safely spend time together once more. I particularly miss simply meeting for coffee, as we so often used to.
“I suppose, for now, all any of us can do is to live our lives within the guidelines designed to keep us safe and find a way to keep going – looking after ourselves and each other. This includes contacting our GPs if we think we have symptoms that could possibly be cancer. That remains as vital as ever.
“Thank you, as always, for your interest and support for our Foundation. We will continue to put every penny raised or donated to the best possible use, and may I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year.”